The South Essex Heckler - Archive

News, views and commentary with an anarchist twist

About us

This blog is run by a couple of class struggle anarchists who’ve been round the block over the years when it comes to various forms of radical activism. Even though we’ve been involved for more decades than we care to remember, we can’t afford to rest on our laurels as the need for radical change is greater than ever as the world we live in becomes ever more dysfunctional and dystopian.

Obviously as anarchists we believe that real change leading to a more just and sane world will not come from putting a cross in a box on a ballot paper every few years. It will only come about by people getting stuck in at grassroots level in their communities, workplaces and colleges, building and linking up from there to create a movement that will bring about the radical change we desperately need.

If you share our political outlook, live anywhere across the south of Essex and are involved in a local campaign, feel you have something to say and could contribute to this blog and any papers we bring out, we’d love to hear from you. The aim is to make this project as inclusive as possible – so it’s over to you…


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